estate planning for singles

Estate Planning For Singles

Singles are the least likely to seek support from an estate planning attorney, and yet estate planning for singles may be even more important than for couples. In the case of married couples, the spouse automatically becomes the medical advocate,...
naming a trustee is a big decision

Naming A Trustee Is A Big Decision

Choose the Best Trustee to Handle Your Estate As estate attorneys, we cannot emphasize enough how important it is to name the proper administrator to handle your will and/or trust. The administrator of your will is called an executor, while the administrator of a trust is...
what is a living trust

What Is A Living Trust?

Living trusts are wise options for almost anyone with assets of at least $166,250 that will be distributed to heirs and beneficiaries upon their death. Many people assume that anything with the word “trust” in the title is exclusively for the wealthy. That is not the...